- 招聘职位:模具装配助理工程师
- 招聘公司:陆逊梯卡华宏眼镜有限公司
- 职位类型:全职
- 职位类别:招聘模具工程师
- 工资待遇:一万以上/月
- 招聘人数:13 人
- 年龄要求:25-45岁
- 性别要求:不限
- 学历要求:初中
- 工作地区:东莞
- 工作经验:无经验
- 查看次数:次
- 发布日期:2025-03-17 16:49
1. 中专/高中及以上学历
2. 有8年以上相关工作经验,熟悉模具加工和模具结构
3. 能熟练操作磨床、铣床、火花机等机床
4. 熟悉烧焊
5. 熟悉五金模具的更佳
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意大利陆逊梯卡Luxottica集团是集设计、制造和销售于一身的全球眼镜巨头。产品包括时尚型眼镜、奢侈眼镜、运动型眼镜和功能性护目镜。集团自主品牌包括:雷朋(全球最畅销的太阳镜品牌之一)、奥克利(2008北京奥运会和2012伦敦奥运会赞助商)、Vogue、Persol、REVO等。授权品牌包括:宝嘉丽、巴宝莉、阿玛尼、香奈儿、杜加班、普拉达、蒂芙尼、范思哲、寇弛等。2011公司业绩增长强劲,净销售总额创历史新高,达到了62亿欧元,净收入达4亿5230万欧元,全球员工超过65,000名。 陆逊梯卡华宏(东莞)眼镜有限公司是陆逊梯卡Luxottica集团在中国的唯一一家工厂,于1997年在中国广东东莞投资兴建,并在2002年成为陆逊梯卡集团独立经营的全资子公司,自此成为集团旗下第一家境外工厂。注册资本9600万美元,公司人员达到10000余人。经过十余年的发展,公司已经成为Luxottica集团旗下最重要的设计、开发、生产及物流配送服务中心。Luxottica is a Global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of fashion, luxury, sport and performance eyewear. House band include Ray-Ban, one of the world’s best-known sun brands , Oakley, sponsor of 2008 and 2012 Olympic Game, Vogue, Persol, REVO . And the license brand include Bvlgari, Burberry, Armani, Channel, Dolce Gabbana, Prada, Tiffany, Versace , Coach .Due to the strong growth enjoyed throughout 2011 ,total net sales reach a record Euro 6.2 billion, net income increased to Euro 452.3 million and headcount reached to 65,000 employees. Established in 1997 in Dongguan, Guangdong province, Luxottica Tristar(Dongguan) Optical Co., Ltd is Luxottica Group only production base in China for eyewear products. In 2002, Luxottica Tristar became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Luxottica Group with independent management, and is the first oversees factory of the group. With a registered capital of US Dollar 96,000,000, and head count reached to 7,500 employees. With more than 10 year’s development, the company has become the most important centre for RD, design, production and logistics distribution of Luxottica Group. 作为陆逊梯卡华宏的员工,您将享有: As an employee of Tristar, you can enjoy these benefits as below: 1、 跨国文化的工作环境 Cross-culture working environment 2、 竞争力的薪酬和绩效奖金 Competitive payment system and performance reward policy 3、 完善的职业生涯发展通道和内部晋升机制 Complete career development channel and internal promotion system 4、 意大利和美国培训机会 The chance of further trained in Italy and America 5、 各种员工激励措施,特殊项目阶段性奖励,内部推荐奖励等 Various incentive measures such as internal reward for some special project, reward for internal talent recommendation etc 6、 优厚的福利:社保、商业保险、住房公积金、免费食宿、福利超市、年度旅游、上下班车及东莞市区购物旅游专线,并设有舞厅、体育公园等供员工休闲的设施 Favorable welfare system: social insurance, commercial insurance, house fund, free accommodation and food, welfare shopping market , annual travel, regular bus and special express for shopping and travel every weekend. Moreover dancing hall, sports park and other living facilities are supplied for employees’ convenience and entertainment 7、 丰富的企业文化活动:生日会、迎新会、鹊桥会、拍卖会、游园会及各类体育比赛等 Fun activities birthday party, welcome party for new employees , blind dating party, auction gala party and various sports events 8、 EAP(员工帮助计划)和内部咨询师专业心理咨询服务 EAP: Emphasizing the mental wellbeing of employees and supply psychology consultancy for all employees in need华宏厂诚聘普工 前来面试者请提供详细的个人资料(身份证、学历证原件及复印件,1寸标准证件照一张。注意复印件需制成A4纸格式,第二代身份证需复印正反两面)。请务必带齐相关证件及笔。面试时间:每周一至周六 上午8:30面试地点:华宏新厂(二厂),提前到达者请于厂生活门口等候。备注:本公司招聘不收取任何费用,请求职者不要上当受骗。工资构成:2015年底薪:1850(试用期2个月) 1950(试用期满)底薪+加班费+全勤奖50元/月+月绩效奖:底薪×15%+伙食补贴375元/月+津贴+社保+公积金+其他月平均工资:3000元--4500元 主要福利 ★五天八小时工作制,按我国劳动法足额支付加班费,年底双薪;★根据国家劳动法全额购买社保,及全员享受住房公积金; ★免费提供食宿(六人一间,住宿配置空调、热水),伙食为自助套餐,住宿环境优越;★享受带薪年假及国家规定的各种有薪假期,免费参加年度体检;★篮球