- 招聘职位:研发工程师高薪
- 招聘公司:鹤山市得润电子科技有限公司
- 职位类型:全职
- 职位类别:招聘机械工程师
- 工资待遇:一万以上/月
- 招聘人数:2 人
- 年龄要求:25-45岁
- 性别要求:不限
- 学历要求:大专
- 工作地区:江门
- 工作经验:5-10年
- 查看次数:次
- 发布日期:2024-10-25 02:25
该职位所属鹤山市得润电子科技有限公司工作内容:1、负责新产品方案设计及开发;2、能与客户沟通处理产品开发和承认事宜;3、新产品制造可行性与成本评估;4、新产品开发进度掌控;任职条件:1、有5年以上连接器工程工作经验,熟练操作CAD、PROE或SOLID WORKS;2、熟悉新产品开发流程;3755 4586-29|161 7985 7866 753、熟悉注塑成型原理、冲压成型原理。
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招聘职位 |
招聘人数 |
工资待遇 |
工作地区 |
工作经验 |
学历 |
1人 |
一万以上/月 |
江门 |
1-3年 |
大专 |
1人 |
面议 |
1-3年 |
大专 |
深圳市得润电子股份有限公司成立于1989年,主要经营家电和消费类电子、汽车相关电子连接器和精密组件和车联网相关技术。得润电子于2006年在深圳证交所上市,总部位于中国深圳,拥有多家集团控股公司、中外合资公司、海外合资公司、海外贸易公司,海外销售和服务分支机构。其研发、制造和销售基地在国内分布于深圳、香港,台北等26个地方;在国外分布于美国、意大利和卢森堡等7个地方。 目前得润电子划分为三大事业群,分别是家电和消费电子事业群,汽车电子和电气事业群和车联网事业群。家电和消费类电子事业群主营家电和消费类电子线束、连接器等产品,产品广泛应用于家用电器、计算机及外围设备、智能手机,可穿戴设备和LED照明等各个领域。公司长期与创维、美的、TCL等家电龙头存在稳定的战略性合作关系。 汽车电子和电气事业群主营汽车连接器、线束及相关产品,已进入众多国内外整车厂及汽车零部件厂商的供应链,初步形成包括国际品牌客户(如大众、宝马、奔驰等)、自主品牌客户以及设备客户(即汽车零部件客户,包括博世、大陆等)在内的汽车电子客户平台。 车联网事业群是新设立的事业群,主要关注于汽车产品的互联网应用服务,公司与太平洋保险、凹凸共享租车、PP租车和深圳迪滴新能源汽车建立了合作关系。公司为其提供车联网设备组合及相应技术服务,立足打造大数据平台生态圈,实现得润电子互联网化的战略发展。 不久的未来,是高端精密连接器连接的世界,是互联网大数据计算的时代,得润电子将以三大事业群为依托,致力于成为世界领先的电子连接器“硬件+软件+服务 ”一体化解决方案提供商。 由于企业迅猛发展的需要,我们诚邀志同道合者的加入。期望与您携手共创得润更加辉煌的明天!详情请浏览深圳得润公司的网站: About DERENDEREN Electronics was established in 1989 and mainly focus on the market for connectors precision components that for Home Appliance, Consumer and Automotive Electronics, and Telematics Technology. DEREN was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock market in 2006. DEREN own group holding companies, Sino-foreign joint venture, overseas joint venture, overseas trading companies, and overseas sales and service branches. DEREN has the RD centers, manufacturing sites and sales offices located in multi-cities and places in the worldwide. There are total 26 locations in China, such as Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taipei, etc.. Also, there are 7 locations overseas, like in the United States, Italy and Luxembourg etc.DEREN has three Business Groups, they are Home appliance Consumer Electronics Business Group, Automotive Electronics and Electrics Business Group and Telematics Business Group. The Home appliance Consumer Electronics Business Group main range are wiring harness and connector applied in home appliances, computers and peripherals equipment, smart mobile phone, wearable devices and LED lighting etc. The Business Group has the stable cooperation with our strategic partners like Skyworth, Media and TCL Group, etc. Automotive Electronics and Electrics Business Group main range are connector and wiring harness applied in automotive industry. The Business Group is becoming the core supplier for the global automotive players. Meanwhile the Business Group is forming the international business platform including Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Bosch and Continental and some local brands.Telematics Business Group main range are telematics market, including product, service and total solution. The Business Group has the cooperation with CPIC, Atzuche, PPZuche, DIDI CAB SERVICE to provide the competitive telematics total solution. Rely on the total solution and data analysis, DEREN will develop the new platform to realize the core strategy. In the near future, the world is connected by high-end and precision connector and supported by big data calculation. Combining the energy of the three Business Groups, DEREN is committed to be a global leading connector total solution provider with “Hardware + Software + Service”. 联系我们:鹤山市得润电子科技有限公司 地址:鹤山市鹤山工业城鸿江路13号联系人:邓小姐